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Skara Underground is the place of criminals, of cut throats and whores. Those who are wanted, are most likely here. Yes most people know of it - there are all kinds of rumors floating about of what it is, where it is, and what goes on in it, but the royal family refuses to acknowledge its existence. Even though they know for a fact it exists. They allow it to continue on for one reason and one reason only. With the crime underground, it is not on their precious streets and they do not have to acknowledge it happening. The underground hideout is all dug out paths leading in all directions. One must know how to read the signs etched into the walls and boards that support it. All of the paths down here reside in inns, taverns, and homes of people who are accepted into the underground. That being said, not all of those people who have entrances are bad people, some simply were roped into it. There are some houses built down here. They are far from top of the line, but hey, when you are a criminal, you cannot be picky right?

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Skara City is most definitely the most well off places in Deflou Spero. As it is so close to the castle - just over an hours ride on horseback - the city is kept immaculate. Now this does not mean that there is a lack of crime, in fact, there is a great deal of it. It is simply hidden. Most people only see the pristine buildings, the beautiful spires that house guards at all times, the clean cobbled streets. However, beneath this beautiful city is a whole other world. Several taverns and inns lead to underground paths, that lead to rooms where one can find gambling, drugs, and women - or men - of all kind. Some people have even built houses in this place. It is there that all of Skaras illegal deeds happen. Now one cannot simply stumble upon such things, chances are such a person would wind up dead. No, they must be invited by someone who is already welcome. Not that being invited is really a good thing, it is pretty much selling ones soul to the devil. That being said, most people will only see the nice side of Skara, and people come from all over to worship in the churches that scatter about Skara, or to shop at the pricey market place housed deep in the city heart that takes up several streets.
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