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newBookmarkLockedFalling Sunshine [Aria]
Aiden Kael Fabre 6 361 by Aiden Kael Fabre
Nov 8, 2012 22:46:20 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling How it Began (Arielle)
Damien Bael 1 225 by sharpie01
Nov 8, 2012 14:56:37 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Little and Big [Arielle-Regan]
gunny 2 319 by gunny
Nov 4, 2012 11:25:02 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling guidance & comfort | melisande
Aiden Kael Fabre 2 235 by Aiden Kael Fabre
Nov 3, 2012 23:25:39 GMT -5
Nov 1, 2012 0:27:37 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling stolen choices | Aria
swift 0 256 by swift
Oct 29, 2012 14:03:33 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling BONDING..? || cae/aria/arie
caeius fabre 4 318 by ARIA KEL FABRE
Oct 26, 2012 18:13:59 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Man is but Boredoms Plaything [Aria]
gunny 10 458 by gunny
Oct 25, 2012 5:51:31 GMT -5


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Skara Castle is where the royal family of Deflou Spero and their guardians reside. Despite the cold winters and hot summers, this is the only home that the royal family has. Namely because it is so well protected. Residing on what was probably once a mountain, the grand castle of Skara drops down well over a hundred feet on all sides. Three bridges lead into the castle, one on the east, west, and south sides of it. The north side is completely without access. The castle houses several ballrooms ranging in sizes and reasons for use. Some are for formal use, while others are simply for small private parties. There are also three kitchens, typically only one is in use, however during bigger events, all three become quickly opperational. There is a small dining room for when it is just the royal family and a few guests, and there is also a larger dining room that can hold several hundred people. Dozens of spires litter the castle, most are used as look-out posts, but three are used for other things. The grand library resides in one, where only the royal librarian, the royal family, and those select few guests may enter. The tallest spire houses the royal observatory, where several star-readers are constantly on staff. With the final one laying claim to the royal classrooms. The royal family all reside on one floor, each member having a room large enough that for or five people could probably live in it, and each room decorated to said persons tastes. The only other notable thing about the castle, is that while it looks like it has no underground level, there are several hidden and mostly forgotten passages that lead deep into the rocks beneath the castle. Some lead to hidden rooms, others lead to passages hundreds of feet down that open to the ground far, far below the castle. It is used as a getaway option for the royal family should anything happen. Only the guardians, the king, and the queen know of thes
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